Saturday, October 26, 2013

One Whole Shakespeare Play In One Whole Shakespeare Day!

For information about  Shakesperience!  Workshops,
or to hire Clifford Schwartz, MA, to facilitate 
a daylong Shakesperience!  Workshop
 for 15—20 people on the Shakespeare play 
of your choice,  in your home, workplace,
church, or community center please call  
510-859-4604, or email to:


Clifford Schwartz describes
his facilitation work for  Shakesperience! 

Over time I have developed a special format which allows me to facilitate a day of learning and growing with reading Shakespeare aloud for whoever may participate. Shakespeare beginners, Shakespeare aficionados, the Shakespeare-curious or the Shakespeare-shy all explore together under my direction as I blend just enough of what Shakespeare actors may do in rehearsal with just enough of what a Shakespeare professor may do in an academic setting.
   Unlike passively sitting in a theatre watching a performance, we make Shakespeare jump off the page. Unlike studying Shakespeare in school, we avoid homework, deadlines, essays, exams, and lonely hours of solitary study. Instead, we finish the day with an entire unabridged Shakespeare play living clearly in our imagination, and we cherish the connections that spring from our teamwork investigation into Shakespeare’s words.
   When you arrive I’ll welcome you with details of my special format. It goes far beyond the “round-robin reading circle” that many of us grew up with. I will have prepared precise notes for myself on the Shakespeare play chosen, and these notes will enable me to bring out from Shakespeare’s page whatever you will need to savor the afternoon.

   No experience necessary!  Shakesperience!  is an afternoon to be enjoyed by anyone yearning to “play” big, juicy, famous Shakespearean characters and for those who prefer a moderate participation . Each participant will receive a new role assignment at the beginning of each new act, and both small and mid-sized parts will be available.
   Those with all levels of familiarity with Shakespeare are welcome. Beginners will learn from the more knowledgeable participants. Everyone will have opportunities to rest and just listen. We will pause to discuss Shakespeare’s language as we go along. The pace of the reading will flow successfully throughout the afternoon as we hold a balance between discussion and digression.
    “Raise a hand when you don’t get it!” is The Golden Rule!

Standard  Shakesperience!  Daylong Format:

1) Weekend, Saturday or Sunday
2) Start: 10 AM, or 11 AM, or 12 noon.
3) Duration:  about 7.5 to 8 hours, including breaks, & facilitated discussions.
4) Participation: 15—20 participants invited by host/hostess.  More than 20 is fine as long as some will be happy to participate by "just listening" and joining the discussions.
5)  Refreshments: The host/hostess may organize participants into a potluck lunch-plus-snacks.  Or, the host/hostess may have the event catered.
6) Which Shakespeare play?  The host/hostess chooses which Shakespeare play for "One Whole Shakespeare Play In One Whole Shakespeare Day."  Each participant must bring a copy of the Shakespeare play, any edition.  (Note: please beware to avoid Shakespeare books which are "translations" into something other than what Shakespeare wrote.)
7)  Cost: The host/hostess pays a facilitator's fee beforehand to Clifford Schwartz, MA.  Participants contribute (or "pass-the-hat") to the host/hostess to recoup cost of facilitator's fee paid by host/hostess.   
8)  Fundraising Groups may collect surplus monies beyond facilitator's fee for fundraising beneficiaries.

Make reservations Now!
 Contact us at:   Or 510-859-4604
And — please forward this link:
to everyone that you believe might enjoy